Connecting with nature online to reduce anxiety

Unfortunately green spaces like parks, beaches or woodlands are not accessible to everyone. For example, some people don’t live near to a green space, or don’t feel safe going there. People may not have transport or money to get to green spaces, or those spaces may not be accessible due to disability or illness.

Studies show that people with low mood or depression experience an improvement of their symptoms when they connect with nature daily on a screen - and those who also have limited access to green spaces gain even more benefit. The benefits for anxiety are thought to be higher and some recent studies exploring ‘daily virtual nature’ with Virtual Reality Headsets are showing positive results.

When I developed an illness that affected my balance and stopped me from walking safely for over a year I scoured the internet for slow gentle films and soundscapes of British nature – and the pickings were slim. I knew exactly what I wanted – something that would conjure up the mood and atmosphere of a British woodland exactly as it was month by month. I knew it would root me back into the world that I had lost. 

So, as I recovered I started creating a bank of videos and sound recordings to help me through my recovery. And that is how Nature Fix was born.


What are all the benefits of connecting with nature?


Contact with Nature versus Connection with Nature